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'Surprise Effect' enchants the public

for DSF '19

Dubai | Thursday, 17 January 2019

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It is time for the grand finale.

“Sir, you are the last one so don’t move, okay? Because if you move–,” says Rayan to the suited volunteer from the audience.

“YOU DIE!” scream Walle and Sofiane in unison.

“And if you die–,” continues Rayan.


“You die,” say both the dancers, shrugging in unison.

The afternoon sunshine is pointedly beaming down on the Waterfront Promenade where a small area is curbed in a semicircle to serve as the street stage for the dancing and tricking group from France called ‘Surprise Effect’. The towering metallic needle of the Burj Khalifa and the sunshine-reflecting ‘I Love Dubai’ LED sign serve as the background.

The crowd that is gathered around to witness the street performance bursts into loud laughter.

Surprise Effect was contacted by the Dubai Mall to come and perform for the Street Fest of the Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF). This year, DSF is running from 10-19 January and is featuring award-winning performances and shows from all around the world including France, Australia, India, UK, Canada, and Argentina.

Rayan Frezouls, Walle, and Sofiane Khelladi (called Soso by the rest of the members) perform their own style of hip-hop: a combination of breakdancing and tricking. Their 15 minute show is comical, theatrical, acrobatic and moving. With a blend of this expertise at entertainment, they manage to completely enrapture the crowd.

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Surprise Effect performing at the Dubai Mall Waterfront Promenade

“It has always been a passion and now, our passion has turned into our profession. It is a dream come true. We’ve travelled to so many places because of it too,” says Surprise Effect.

The group has performed in USA, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Hong Kong, Italy, Switzerland and England and has won three awards for their performances so far: Australian Street Entertainment Championships 2017, the Bastid’Art 2017 in France and the Pavé d’Or 2018 in Switzerland.

During the show, Rayan picks out a child, Dylan, from amongst the crowd to volunteer. Dylan is asked to try and mimic the acrobatics of Rayan to the crowd’s hilarity. After Dylan has tried his best, Rayan asks him whether he wants to know how to be able to accomplish the difficult task.

“You have to follow three easy rules. Rule number one: listen to and respect your family. Rule number two: think about the planet. And rule number three –”

“The most important,” shouts Sofiane from behind.

“– Believe in your dreams and fight until your dream comes true.” The crowd applauds loudly as Rayan bows.

For the grand finale Rayan turns to the crowd and tells them that what they are about to show them is really dangerous. While in the background, Walle and Sofiane in hushed tones ask the kids to not do this trick at home but instead at school.

The crowd bursts into laughter once again. Then, Walle and Sofiane have a quick rock paper scissor game to decide who will be jumping over the volunteers. Walle is up. They have lined four volunteers for the finale of their performance. The volunteers are asked to bend at the waist and not to move or look up under any circumstances.

Rayan iterates to the suited volunteer who is fidgeting to “keep your head down, sir because if you look up, you bye bye!”

He then turns towards the crowd and asks them to clap their hands. The music is fast paced and building it up, the crowd is clapping in synchronization and is energized for the anticipated moment.


Walle comes sprinting from beyond the semi-circle of the street stage –


The crowd stops clapping and the music stops beating.

Walle smoothly sails over the four bent-over volunteers, rolls on the yoga mat kept for his safe landing, and successfully jumps up and toddler carries himself onto the arms of a fifth volunteer who is standing at the head of the mat.

The crowd erupts with wild applause, cheers and hoots. As the people disperse, they looked satisfied and giddy. Smiles are carried away in all directions. Some wait in line to capture photographs with the performers, some just to commend them and shake their hand.

Surprise Effect's Grand Finale

Founded in 2016, the group has currently 8 members. Their vision is to “be ourselves, create our identity, and make a living with what we are. We just want adventures.”

Surprise Effect aims to leave a lasting impression on the crowds; something which people will remember long after the show is over.

“We want to share our good feeling at the maximum. That is what is different about us: we try to entertain people and send messages. Okay, so maybe we’re a small crowd but we would like to put it in the heads of the people that you can trust in your dreams and you can have positive thoughts. Our goal is not to do the best performances; it is to make people spend a better time.”

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